Thank you for acknowledging progressives’ hostility to parental rights.

However, unless I missed it, the list of progressives’ objectives for education did not include the indoctrination of American youth into gender identity ideology and the promotion of an affirmative response to children’s claims of novel gender identities.

Why is that? It’s an outrage that our tax dollars and public schools are being used to teach ideologically motivated lies about sex and sex roles.

Please take a stand against gender identity ideology in K-12 education.

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I appreciate your comment and I can assure you the omission of gender identity was not intentional. This was the first of many chapters that I will publish to shed light on this secretive group that has been at the center of transforming public education, including the injection of an identity-based ideology that lacks research and evidence.

As you can imagine, exposing all this coalition is and what they've done with 800+ people over 10 years is not something I can do in a couple of 1000ish word posts. So please keep reading and definitely keep sharing what you think. I appreciate you speaking up!

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Thank you! Kudos for the good work you are doing.

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