I am especially looking forward to your piece on the Critical Race Theory (CRT) cover-up.

For various reasons the media voices I listen to tend to be Democrats, provided they are not infected by the critical studies mind virus, i.e., they're not progressives. Though I have the least disagreement with moderate Democrats, I will give liberals a hearing. I also follow some Never Trumpers who've adopted liberal and progressive views in their journey away from what passes for the Republican Party today.

My training drilled into me a profound reluctance to use absolute terms such as "never" and "always," since there's almost always a significant exception. Nonetheless, I feel safe in saying that when a podcast or comment thread turns to criticism of CRT in K-12, mainstream Democrats and Never-Trumpers always give the same knee-jerk response: Critical Race Theory is only taught in law school. For members of a party that's notorious for its abysmally poor message discipline, most Dems demonstrate the fidelity of zealous Republican operatives when it comes to sticking to the party line on CRT.

Maybe it's because a certain leading critic of critical studies and its progenies insists on using the jumped-up term "praxis" that most Dems can't and won't understand that the K-12 anti-racist curriculum is watered-down CRT. If the misanthropic Derek Bell were alive today, he might be seeking royalties from the writers and publishers who popularized his so-called theories.

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And I look forward to sharing what I've found regarding this coalition's involvement in pushing CRT (and critical gender theory + more), attacking those who pushed back, and spinning narrative frames to distract and confuse the topic.

I must admit, I find it funny when people today still use the line that CRT is only taught in law schools. That's using the narrative framing from 2021, which was all around denying its existence in schools. Just look up how Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, author of Cultivating Genius and Unearthing Joy, defines "Criticality" in her model framework for culturally responsive teaching. In Cultivating Genius, so makes it clear that "Criticality" is not lower-case critical thinking, but is upper-case Critical Theory. It's right there for anyone to see. Culturally Responsive Teaching/Education involves teaching through the lens of CRT and other Critical Theories. So much craziness based on such little research. How it got this far is truly impressive.

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